Evaluation and impact

Open Research practice Links to resources Alignment with FAIR

Track the number of times your research data has been downloaded from open repositories

As with all metrics, numbers only tell part of the story and should be used to support expert judgement; the number of downloads will be affected by discipline and year of publication

Check your dataset record in each repository for the number of downloads Findable
Document and share examples of your research impacting policy Fast Track Impact Accessible
Studies by other researchers building on your work, enabled by open data and sharing your code

The Turing Way: A handbook for reproducible, ethical and collaborative research




Altmetrics track mentions of your research on social media, news outlets and policy documents. This provides a broader picture of the reach and influence of your research beyond traditional academic citations

Altmetrics should only be used as a guide for how much attention a research output is receiving relative to similarly aged outputs; high scores are indicative of high engagement, but altmetrics cannot tell the difference between negative and positive attention

University of Southampton Library: altmetrics Findable

Next section: Further resources