Securing funding and building your research team

A note about research data

Your research data is the information you collect, observe or generate to support and validate your findings.

  • Evidence-based: Research data serves as the foundation for research. It’s what allows researchers to build a case for their findings and conclusions. 
  • Varied formats: Data can come in many forms and can be digital and non-digital. For example, research may involve experimental data, surveys or field studies, observational data, reusing existing datasets, textual analysis, archival research, qualitative data or artworks.
Open Research practice Links to resources Alignment with FAIR
State your intention to share data openly, outlining specific data types and access conditions UKRN Primer Data sharing Accessible & Interoperable
Name your chosen data repository and outline your data management plans for during and after the project including file type

Digital Curation Centre: Data Management Plans

FAIRsharing: identify standards and repositories for your discipline: FAIRsharing for you: researchers

Re3data is a global registry of research data repositories covering different academic disciplines

Findable & Interoperable
Commit to making your research findings open access (via publisher or repository routes)

UKRN Open Access animation (3 minutes) and video (10 minutes)

UKRN Primer: Open Access

Explain your commitment to transparent and replicable research methods Sharing the Recipe: Reproducibility and Replicability in Research Across Disciplines While not directly addressing with FAIR principles, this promotes transparency (by referencing open methodology resources) and reproducibility (by pre-registering the study)

Next section: Conducting your research